Saturday, September 14, 2013

What is asbestosis

Asbestosis is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the fibrosis tissue and the parenkim of the lungs caused by inhalation of asbestos fibres and of retention. Usually this happens after a high intensity or prolonged exposure to asbestos (especially on those working on a production or final use of products containing asbestos) and therefore is regarded as a pulmonary disease. People with a broad exposure to mining, manufacturing, handling or removal of asbestos are at risk of asbestosis. Patients may experience severe Dyspnea (shortness of breath) and are at an increased risk of certain cancers, including cancer mesothelioma asbestosis lung, but especially specifically refer to (parenkim) interstitial fibrosis from asbestos and pleural fibrosis or no plaquing

Signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of asbestosis materialize not only after the noticeable latency (time since first exposure), often several decades under the current conditions in the United States. Generally slow-onset dyspnea, especially during exercise was symptoms of asbestosis. Advanced clinical cases of asbestosis can lead to respiratory arrest. The doctor rattle sound auscultation of the lungs can hear inspiration.

Pulmonary function characteristics find is in asbestosis, a faulty ventilation. It embodies as a reduction in the volume of the lungs, especially the vital capacity (VC) and the total lung capacity (TLC). TLC can be reduced through alveolar wall thickening; However, this is not always the case.Large airway function, the FEV1/FVC, give generally good that the expression is. In more severe cases can a drastic reduction in lung function by the stiffening of the lungs and the reduced TLC right heart failure (Cor pulmonale) lead. in addition to strict unless a reduction in arterial hypoxemia and diffusion capacity disability cause asbestosis.

The pathogenesis of

Asbestosis is a scarring of lung tissue (around terminal Bronchioles and alveolar lines) caused by the inhalation of asbestos fibers. There are two types of fibres: Amphi (thin and straight) and serpentine (curved). The former is primarily responsible for human disease, because they can penetrate deep into the lungs. When the fiber reaches the alveoli (air sacs) of the lungs, where oxygen in the blood, foreign broadcast is facilities (asbestos fibers) causes the activation of the immune system of the local inflammatory responses in the lung and provoke. This inflammatory reaction can be in an effort to eliminate foreign fibers described as a chronic rather than acute, sustainable development with a slow immune system. Macrophages phagocytose (ingest) fibers and stimulate fibroblasts to deposit to connective tissue. Because asbestos fibres natural resistance to digestion, macrophage dies, the release of cytokines and other lung attracts macrophages and Fibrolastic cells, connective tissue, to set are eventually form a fibrous mass. This mass can microscopic asbestos fibers coated iron with proteinaceous material (Psammoma bodies) are seen. The result is the interstitial fibrosis. Scar tissue fibrosis cause that the alveolar walls are thickened, reduces the elasticity and diffusion of gases, reduces the transmission of blood oxygen and carbon dioxide removal

Close-up asbestosis lower right zone s / s ILO 2/2
Asbestosis Plaquing showed membrane lateral chest x-rays.

According to the American Thoracic Society (ATS),  which are the common diagnostic criteria for asbestosis:

Structural pathology evidence consistent with asbestosis, documented by imaging or histology
Proof of causation by asbestos that is documented is the history and environmental work, markers of exposure (usually in the pleural plaques) body recovery, asbestos, or other means
The exception causes a sensible alternative to the results

Abnormal chest X-ray and interpretation remains the most important factor in determining the presence of pulmonary fibrosis. the results usually appear bases as small, irregular Opacities lung parenchyma, especially in the lungs. With the help of the ILO classification system, clouding dominate "s", "t" and "u". High resolution CT or CT (HRCT) are more sensitive than simple X-ray in the detection of pulmonary fibrosis (pleural changes, as well as the underlying). Are more than 50% of people with asbestosis develop plaques in the parietal pleura, the distance between the chest wall and the lungs. So far, the results of the X-ray diagnosis in asbestosis slowly forward or stagnate, even in the absence of further exposure to asbestos.the rapid progress shows the alternative diagnosis.

Asbestosis is similar to disseminate many interstitial lung disease, including other pneumoconioses. The Differentialdiagnostisch of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis, Sarcoidosis symptoms and others. The presence of pleural Plaquing offer supporting evidence of causing asbestos. Although lung biopsy is not usually needed, make the presence of asbestos in relation to establishing the diagnosis of pulmonary fibrosis. Instead, Interstitial Pulmonary fibrosis in the absence of a body is not the way, asbestos, asbestosis. Be asbestos in the absence of fibrosis exposure showed no disease.


There are no treatments for asbestosis. Oxygen therapy at home is often necessary to the